Letters to Quince

LetterstoQLetters to Quince by Jenny Drai

Winner of the 2014 Deerbird Novella Prize

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Fiction | ISBN 978-1495143915 | List Price: $10.00 | ADP Price: $8.00 |

“I have decided the only way to communicate with you is through the written word in a series of letters…” Thus starts Jenny Drai’s epistolary novella, winner of ADP’s second annual Deerbird Novella Prize.

Jenny Drai is the author of two chapbooks and a full-length collection of poetry, [ the door ] (Trembling Pillow Press, 2015). Her work has appeared in various print and online journals, including American Letters and Commentary, Denver Quarterly, Handsome,  New America Writing, and The Volta.  She currently lives in Bonn, Germany, where she is at work on a novel.