Lucky Man

Lucky Man_smallLucky Man by Ben Tanzer

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Fiction | 246 pages | ISBN 9781450789066 | List Price: $12.00 | ADP Price: $10.00 | Add on Goodreads!

In 2007 Ben Tanzer’s first novel, Lucky Man was released by Manx Media. Now, in time for the book’s fifth anniversary, ADP is pleased to bring one of our favorite writers’ debut back to print.

Told from the points of view of four friends, Lucky Man is a quintessentially American tale of friendship, growing-up, and the role of luck in both (and everything else). Between the sex, drugs, death, and road trips, Tanzer’s first novel becomes a time machine back to the reader’s own youth.

As the first release in ADP’s new imprint, Antler Editions, the 5th Anniversary Edition of Lucky Man includes a new foreword and archival materials making it the definitive version of the novel that first brought Tanzer’s voice to the reading public.